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The Current Concept Currently Residing in Several Minds

As the project has gone through several evolutions, based primarily on new information constantly being gathered, here is the latest and greatest. We have contacted Haiti Broilers and it seems the most cost effective way to begin this venture is to purchase 20 day old chicks of the broiler type and raise them to sale age. To do this, all we will need to start is to fence the property, put in a water pump, build a shelter, and purchase the feeding and watering equipment. Once the broilers are established we will look to purchase egg layers and begin the laying side of things. Initially we will not look to incubate and hatch ourselves, though in the long run we would like to see that happen. If we can get the broiler operation to cover it's own costs and supply meat for the orphanage we can then look to expanding into the egg layers and incubation on site.



What the proposal means

If you have read the proposal you may be wondering about the budget and have concerns regarding the extent of it. We have a two fold reason for this. First, we hope to make our initial project a demonstration of what can be done given enough resources and time. It will be the location of working out the details of a many faceted project and the starting point for replication of the project in other locations. I was encouraged to not think too small when I put together a proposal for some organizations with considerable assets. My intent is still to build a model that can be replicated at the lowest cost and done all in country and by locals. If we can get the funding to build the first model on a larger scale and use it as a training center as well as to generate more income sooner, we will do so. If the funding is slower to come in we will simply build on the most economical platform and proceed from there. Pray with us that the funding does happen and that the Lord blesses us with the resources to do more rather than less.

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